Small Business Interest-Free Loan Helped This Couple Grow Their Assets
By Wendy R. Corn | June 2022

Noah and Ashley secured a $20,000 Small Business Loan from Hebrew Free Loan of Austin to help grow their assets and provide cash on hand to grow their business.
Starting a new company comes with many challenges. Hebrew Free Loan Austin has helped launch and expand small businesses with interest-free business loans since 2011. Our mission is to help your enterprise grow and succeed, so providing the financial backing is just part of that.
“My brother had used Hebrew Free Loan to help him pay for a coding academy which led to his first programming job. I contacted Hebrew Free Loan Austin, and we set up a meeting. The person I met with was awesome! It was clear that HFLA was a different organization that actually wanted to help people. Following the first interview I sent in a business proposal, and within 3 weeks we had a $20,000 interest-free loan.”
This statement comes from Noah W. who secured an interest-free loan to accelerate his real estate properties business.
As part of the loan review process, our HFLA committee of experienced entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals will provide feedback on your business plan and guidance on your path forward. Committee members represent diverse fields and industries, but all share a history of business success and a commitment to helping grow the Austin Jewish business community.

Noah told Hebrew Free Loan of Austin, “We had 3 rental properties that were doing great. After buying all three properties however, we had no cash to continue growing the business. We thought we were stuck in the quagmire many small business owners become mired in, namely, running out of cash to purchase new assets.”
“It was because of HFLA’s loan that we were able to buy our fourth property which has done better than the first three,” Noah continued.
In life and definitely in business you need a leg up, a stepping stool to help you reach your goals. Hebrew Free Loan [of Austin] has been that for us and asked for nothing in return. They are a light in the darkness, an organization full of mensch’s. I could not recommend them higher.”
And thank you, Noah & Ashley, for helping us fulfill our purpose to help Austin Jewish community members!
Starting a new company comes with many challenges. Hebrew Free Loan Austin has helped launch and expand small businesses with interest-free business loans since 2011. Our mission is to help your enterprise grow and succeed, so providing the financial backing is just part of that.
“My brother had used Hebrew Free Loan to help him pay for a coding academy which led to his first programming job. I contacted Hebrew Free Loan Austin, and we set up a meeting. The person I met with was awesome! It was clear that HFLA was a different organization that actually wanted to help people. Following the first interview I sent in a business proposal and within 3 weeks we had a $20,000 interest-free loan.”
This statement comes from Noah W. who secured an interest-free loan to accelerate his real estate properties business.
As part of the loan review process, our HFLA committee of experienced entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals will provide feedback on your business plan and guidance on your path forward. Committee members represent diverse fields and industries, but all share a history of business success and a commitment to helping grow the Austin Jewish business community.
Noah told Hebrew Free Loan of Austin, “We had 3 rental properties that were doing great. After buying all three properties however, we had no cash to continue growing the business. We thought we were stuck in the quagmire many small business owners become mired in, namely, running out of cash to purchase new assets.”
“It was because of HFLA’s loan that we were able to buy our fourth property which has done better than the first three,” Noah continued.
In life and definitely in business you need a leg up, a stepping stool to help you reach your goals. Hebrew Free Loan [of Austin] has been that for us and asked for nothing in return. They are a light in the darkness, an organization full of mensch’s. I could not recommend them higher.”
And thank you, Noah & Ashley, for helping us fulfill our purpose to help Austin Jewish community members!